Stretch Cord Set for Power and Speed

Ryan Woodruff
  Follow @WoodruffRyan
Head Coach
Lynchburg YMCA

We did this set as part of a three-station rotation at practice.  This station had swimmers in pairs. One person out of the water (pulling the cord in on the assisted parts) and one swimmer in the water performing the set. Cords were tied to the blocks for the resisted parts.  The first 12-cycle sprint is from a push off the wall and then the swimmer pauses where they finish the 12th cycle.  The 50s start from there.  Thus, when we did a "50" it was actually more like 30m total, 15m in to a fast turn and 15m back out.  The finishing sprint was thus also about 15m.

Editor's Note: The Swimming Wizard's goal is to publish at least one set, practice, or idea EVERY DAY for all of 2016! To keep it interesting, we need your help! Click here to help us achieve that goal by submitting one of your sets!


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